Tuesday, April 2, 2024

How do aura spells work?

 Aura spells, a mystical practice steeped in esoteric wisdom and ancient traditions, offer seekers a pathway to cleanse, balance, and enhance the energetic field surrounding the body known as the aura. Drawing upon principles of energy manipulation, intention setting, and spiritual alignment, aura spells aim to harmonize the subtle energies within and around an individual, fostering a sense of well-being, protection, and spiritual connection. In this article, we delve into the mechanics, techniques, and spiritual insights behind how aura spells work.

I recommend to visit https://magical-rituals.com/aura-chakra-cleansing/

I recommend watching a video of casting a spell 

1. Understanding the Aura:

The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds the physical body, encompassing layers of subtle energy known as the auric field. It is composed of various colors, frequencies, and patterns, reflecting the mental, emotional, and spiritual state of an individual. The aura interacts with the environment, absorbing and radiating energy from thoughts, emotions, and external influences. Aura spells seek to cleanse, balance, and strengthen the aura, promoting health, vitality, and spiritual awareness.

2. Energy Manipulation:

At the core of aura spells is the manipulation of energy, utilizing intention, visualization, and energy work techniques to effect change within the auric field. Practitioners may channel universal life force energy (often referred to as chi, prana, or ki) to cleanse and energize the aura, removing blockages and stagnant energy that may impede the flow of vitality. Through focused intention and visualization, practitioners can direct healing energy to specific areas of the aura, restoring balance and harmony to the energetic body.

3. Cleansing and Purification:

One of the primary goals of aura spells is to cleanse and purify the auric field, removing negative or stagnant energy that may accumulate through stress, emotional turmoil, or environmental factors. Techniques such as smudging with sage, bathing in salt water, or visualizing a waterfall of light can be employed to purify the aura, clearing away energetic debris and restoring a sense of clarity and vitality.

4. Color Healing and Balancing:

Each color within the aura corresponds to specific qualities, emotions, and aspects of consciousness. Aura spells may utilize color healing techniques to balance and harmonize the auric field, addressing imbalances and promoting holistic well-being. For example, visualizing a vibrant green light can soothe the heart chakra and promote emotional healing, while visualizing a bright golden light can uplift the spirit and enhance spiritual awareness.

5. Protective Shields and Boundaries:

Aura spells may also involve the creation of protective shields and boundaries around the auric field, safeguarding against negative influences, psychic attacks, and energetic vampires. Techniques such as visualizing a cocoon of white light, invoking the assistance of protective deities or spirit guides, or carrying protective amulets and talismans can strengthen the aura's defenses and enhance psychic self-defense.

6. Intention Setting and Affirmations:

Intention setting plays a crucial role in aura spells, aligning the practitioner's focus and energy with their desired outcome. By setting clear intentions and affirmations for cleansing, healing, and protection, practitioners can amplify the effectiveness of their aura spells and catalyze positive change within the auric field. Affirmations such as "My aura is cleansed, balanced, and radiant with vitality" or "I am surrounded by a protective shield of light" can be repeated during aura spells to reinforce the desired outcome.

7. Spiritual Connection and Alignment:

Aura spells facilitate a deeper connection with the spiritual aspects of the self and the universal energies that permeate all existence. Through practices such as meditation, prayer, and mindfulness, practitioners can attune themselves to the divine source of love, wisdom, and healing that flows through the aura and the entire cosmos. By aligning with this divine presence, individuals can experience greater clarity, peace, and empowerment in their aura spells and spiritual journey.


Aura spells offer a powerful means of cleansing, balancing, and enhancing the energetic field surrounding the body, promoting health, vitality, and spiritual awareness. Through techniques such as energy manipulation, cleansing and purification, color healing, protective shields, intention setting, and spiritual alignment, practitioners can cultivate a radiant aura that reflects their inner harmony and connection with the divine. May your journey into the realm of aura spells be guided by wisdom, compassion, and the transformative power of energy healing.

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